piątek, 15 lipca 2011


In the In the autumn of 2010 the keyboard player Demid Polyansky and bass-guitarist Alexander Golovin left the group due to their occupancy in other areas. New members were searched for a long time and finally were found. Keybord post will be holded now by Boris "SENS" Voskolovich and five thick strings will now be tortured by Alexey "ALEX"Boldin!
The leader of the group, Alexey: "We started our work with Boris as far back as autumn and I'm fully satisfied with his approach and creative potential. This guy is the next Warman to come! Alexey joined us some later, he is responsive and positive guy, which is also very creative and skilled. At the moment we are recording our third album and every member of our group takes part. This is a distinctive feature of the new material - this music is composed by all us together. What now we get is what I really like and enjoy - it is a worthy continuation of our previous albums!"

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